Canvas by Fabrik
Canvas is an understated but adept theme with a left sidebar. Canvas keeps text to a minimum throughout the list pages, concentrating attention on project thumbnails with options for stacked one-column, and grid-based two or three-column layouts. A full compliment of detail layouts include options for adding descriptive text above or below media; allowing greater flexibility in the display of projects.
The more traditional stacked format suits creatives looking for a feed-style theme and is an especially fitting choice for portfolios that require images to be displayed uncropped or in portrait format. Post layouts give equal weight to text and imagery, making Canvas a popular theme with bloggers.
Homepage Cover Layouts
Pick a cover layout to create an intro to your work on your homepage. The homepage cover layout on Canvas is fullscreen and can include a slideshow or a single image. Add an optional intro message.
Homepage Feature Layouts
Use your homepage hero area to display your best, or latest work. Use a single project, or build a slideshow of feature projects feature to get your viewers to the good stuff quickly.